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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Experienced vs. Young Garden Show Hosts

A recent article in the Telegraph wrote about the BBC's attempt to jazz up its Gardeners' World - part of the corporation's relentless quest for younger viewers, ended up alienating millions of viewers. Running since 1968, the BBC has been trying to lure more and younger viewers with a different format and younger hosts, but instead has lost about 3 million viewers in recent years.

Read the full article at the Telegraph site>

This storyline is reminesent of what happened to the PBS's Crockett's Victory Garden show, which started in 1975. The show was originally  hosted by the venerable James Underwood Crockett and then by Bob Thompson. In the last couple of decades, the since renamed Victory Garden show, has changed hosts and formats, losing the charm of its original hosts.

Wikipedia entry on the PBS Victory Garden show>

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